U.S. Department of State Seal

International Travel


Learn About Your Destination


Republic of Nicaragua
Reconsider travel to Nicaragua due to arbitrary enforcement of laws, the risk of wrongful detention, and limited healthcare availability. Exercise increased caution in Nicaragua due to crime.

Reissued with updates to information on arbitrary enforcement of laws.

Reconsider travel to Nicaragua due to arbitrary enforcement of laws, the risk of wrongful detention, and limited healthcare availability. Exercise increased caution in Nicaragua due to crime.

Country Summary: The Government of Nicaragua targets individuals and organizations for political purposes. These include: 

  • NGO workers,
  • Academics and students,
  • Business representatives,
  • Civil society leaders,
  • Religious and charity workers (including foreign missionaries),
  • Journalists,
  • And many others.

In the past year, the Government of Nicaragua has subjected U.S. citizens to arbitrary entry and exit bans, expulsions, arrests, revocations of Nicaraguan citizenship, and other actions.

The Government of Nicaragua may: 

  • Arbitrarily deny entry or re-entry to Nicaragua or departure from Nicaragua to U.S. citizens and Nicaraguan citizens. This includes entry by air or land. Travel refunds are NOT provided in these cases. Denials and exit bans can occur for political reasons. This includes perceived support for or association with those the government disfavors. The government is not required to provide a basis for its denial
  • Search personal phones, computers, social media accounts, and documents for anti-government content. 
  • Limit photography. 
  • Seize personal devices. 
  • Target individuals for political reasons, regardless of nationality. These can include former allies, political activists, business representatives, religious and charity groups, clergy, missionaries, human rights advocates, civil society leaders, academics, and journalists. 
  • Target pro-democracy advocates and their family members. 
  • Confiscate privately-owned land, residences, financial assets, or personal property. They may do this without warning or due process. 
  • Arbitrarily detain, accuse, and charge individuals with terrorism, money laundering, or organized crime offenses. They may do this without fair or transparent processes. 

The Department has determined there is a risk of wrongful detention of U.S. nationals by the Government of Nicaragua. U.S. citizens should reconsider travel to Nicaragua, including to work for or volunteer with non-profits or religious organizations. Since 2018, the Government of Nicaragua has closed more than 5,300 civil society organizations, including religious organizations. Nicaraguan security services have arrested U.S. citizens on false charges. This includes dual U.S.-Nicaraguan citizens. Those arrested can be denied fair and transparent treatment. Convictions routinely occur in non-public trials without adequate defense or credible evidence. Nicaraguan authorities also arbitrarily enforce laws against U.S. citizen religious workers. Nicaraguan authorities have conducted questionable criminal investigations against U.S. citizens engaged in religious activity. U.S. citizens arrested in Nicaragua may be detained for long periods without charges. Judicial processes often lack transparency. This is especially true in politically motivated arrests and property disputes. Political objectives and pressure may affect the willingness of a local attorney to assist and impact the outcomes of legal processes. Prison conditions can be harsh and life-threatening.

Managua has a sole private hospital that is JCAHO (Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations) accredited and certified, with labs and radiology services available, though it has a very limited number of specialists for acute emergencies. Medical services outside Managua are limited, including for victims of crime. Government hospitals are understaffed and some hospitals throughout the country may not be able to assist in emergencies. Tap water is not reliably potable. Drink only purified bottled water.

Travelers should exercise increased caution and remain alert to the risks of crime. These include violent crimes such as sexual assault and armed robbery.

Poor infrastructure can limit the Embassy’s emergency assistance to U.S. citizens. Travel by U.S. government personnel may be restricted at any time.

Read the country information page for additional information on travel to Nicaragua. 

If you decide to travel to Nicaragua:

  • Consider arrangements to depart the country quickly. 
  • Ensure your U.S. passport is valid for your entire stay. 
  • Avoid demonstrations and restrict unnecessary travel. 
  • Do not attempt to drive through crowds, barricades, or roadblocks. 
  • Maintain adequate supplies of food, cash, potable water, and fuel in case you need to shelter in place. 
  • Use caution when walking or driving at night. 
  • Keep a low profile. 
  • Do not display signs of wealth such as expensive watches or jewelry. 
  • Remain aware of your surroundings. 
  • Develop a communication plan with family and/or your employer or host organization. 
  • Be prepared for the high risk of indefinite arbitrary detention on false charges without consular access. 
  • Visit our website for Travel to High-Risk Areas
  • Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency. 
  • Follow the Department of State on Facebook and X (formerly known as “Twitter”). 
  • Review the Country Security Report for Nicaragua. 
  • Prepare a contingency plan for emergency situations. Review the Traveler’s Checklist
  • Visit the CDC page for the latest Travel Health Information related to your travel.

Embassy Messages


Quick Facts


Length of stay.


One page per stamp.


No (90 days or fewer). Tourist card at airport. See Entry, Exit & Visa Requirements below.


Yellow fever (in some cases, see Entry Requirements section).


Must declare $10,000 USD or more in cash.



U.S. Embassy Managua

Km 5 ½ Carretera Sur
Managua, Nicaragua
 +(505) 2252-7100
Emergency After-Hours Telephone: +(505) 2252-7100
Fax: +(505) 2252-7250
Email: ACSManagua@state.gov


The Government of Nicaragua has denied entry to and expelled U.S. citizens. This includes dual U.S.-Nicaraguan citizens and individuals that previously traveled to/from Nicaragua without incident. The government targets real or perceived opponents to the Government of Nicaragua. Those targeted include:

  • NGO workers;
  • Academics and students;
  • Business representatives;
  • Civil society leaders;
  • Religious and charity workers (including foreign missionaries);  
  • Journalists;
  • And many others.

The Nicaraguan government has revoked foreigners’ residency status. It has revoked status for actions or expressions it perceives as political. The government has arrested, denied permission to travel, and prevented individuals from leaving the country for political reasons. Immigration authorities regularly review social media for evidence of political expression or activity and warn against such activities. 

Requirements for Entry:  To enter Nicaragua, you need a U.S. passport that is valid for your length of stay. All visitors must pay $10 USD in cash for a tourist entry stamp upon arrival (exact change is recommended.). The stamp is valid for up to 90 days.

  • For visitors other than tourists, the Government of Nicaragua recommends that you pre-register your trip. You can do so by following the instructions available on the Nicaraguan immigration website (in Spanish only). See our website for additional information.
  • Individuals traveling from countries at risk of yellow fever transmission must show proof of yellow fever vaccination. The vaccine must be administered at least 10 days before travel to be permitted entry to Nicaragua.  
  • All travelers should have an onward or return ticket. They also need evidence of funds to support themselves while in Nicaragua.  
  • If you use a passport of a different nationality than you used on prior trips to Nicaragua, Nicaraguan authorities may deny you entry. If you have multiple nationalities, you should carry a valid passport for all of them. If you have Nicaraguan nationality, you should have both your U.S. and Nicaraguan passports with you.
  • Nicaragua is part of the “Central America-4 (CA-4) Border Control Agreement” with Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras. Under that agreement, U.S. citizens who legally enter any of those four countries may travel freely among the other three countries for up to 90 days.

Requirements for Exit:

  • If you stayed in Nicaragua beyond the date noted on your entry stamp, you must obtain an extension from Nicaraguan immigration. You must also pay any required fines.
  • You must exit Nicaragua with the same passport used for entry. If your U.S. passport is lost or stolen while in Nicaragua, you will need to get a new entry stamp from Nicaraguan Immigration before you can depart by following the instructions available on the Nicaraguan immigration website (in Spanish only).
  • All residents of Nicaragua must pay $10 USD (cash only) for an exit stamp from Nicaraguan Immigration, prior to departure. This fee can be paid at the airport, land borders, or at any Nicaraguan Immigration office.
  • There is a $42 USD tax that must be paid upon exiting. (This tax is normally included in the price of the plane ticket for air travelers.)

Minors: See the U.S. Embassy website for information regarding departure requirements for children under 18 who also are Nicaraguan citizens.

Prohibited Items: Drones and similar devices are prohibited. They will be seized by customs authorities upon arrival. Customs may also seize photography equipment, videography equipment, and binoculars. There is no mechanism to retrieve these items later. Nicaraguan government authorities may also search personal phones, computers, electronics, and documents for anti-government content. They also sometimes seize such private property. For more information, see “Customs Regulations” below. Additionally, the transportation of arms or items that may be considered law enforcement or military equipment is strictly prohibited without written approval from the Nicaraguan government. Do not transport any arms or items that may be considered law enforcement or military equipment. Such items include, but are not limited to:  

  • Weapons;  
  • Weapon parts and tools;  
  • Functional, inert, or decorative ammunition, even one bullet;
  • Empty or spent shell casings;  
  • Body armor;  
  • Handcuffs;  
  • Any other military or police equipment. 

All U.S. citizens, including U.S. government, military, and contractor personnel found to be carrying such items, even in the smallest quantities, will be arrested and face strict criminal penalties. Penalties including imprisonment, large monetary fines, forfeiture of the items, and deportation. This is regardless of whether airlines and/or U.S. authorities allowed the items shipment on a U.S.-originating flight.

Advanced Coordination Required for Volunteer Groups:  Please note that since 2018 the Government of Nicaragua has closed more than 5,300 NGOs and charitable organizations, including religious organizations. Groups engaged in these types of activities, including the apolitical provision of basic services, may be denied entry.  You should email both the Nicaraguan Embassy in the United States (asistente.emb@embanic.org) and the Nicaraguan Ministry of Foreign Affairs (enlace@cancilleria.gob.ni) to inform them of your trip and secure advance permission if you are leading one of the following types of trips, even if your group has worked in Nicaragua previously or has a local office:

  • Volunteer mission;
  • Charitable or Medical brigades (the latter also needs permission from the Nicaraguan Ministry of Health); or
  • Assistance visits organized by NGOs, religious groups, missionaries, charitable groups, schools, or any other group doing this type of work in Nicaragua. 

IMPORTANT: Even with a visit approval, the Government of Nicaragua may rescind the decision without advance notice.

For the latest visa and entry requirements, visit the Nicaraguan Immigration website (Spanish only).

HIV/AIDS Restrictions:  The U.S. Department of State is unaware of any HIV/AIDS entry restrictions for visitors or foreign residents in Nicaragua.

Dual Nationality and International Parental Child Abduction:  Find information on dual nationality, prevention of international child abduction, and customs regulations on our websites.

COVID-19 Information: Travelers arriving in Nicaragua do not need to provide proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test.

The Government of Nicaragua is authoritarian. It limits freedom of expression and peaceful assembly. It represses internal dissent, and it monitors and responds to perceived threats to its authority. Nicaragua’s Sovereign Security Law and its Terrorism and Money Laundering Law allow for discretionary interpretation of often vaguely defined unlawful activities. For example, threatening the peace and economic stability of Nicaragua. Convictions under these laws have often been arbitrary. They result in long prison sentences and loss of assets (money and property). They also result in deportations with bans on returning to Nicaragua.

Nicaraguan authorities and armed civilians in plain clothes known as “para police” may monitor, detain, deny entry to, expel, or question U.S. citizens concerning their activities. This includes U.S. citizen contact with Nicaraguan citizens. Visitors should avoid any commentary on Nicaraguan politics or governance.

The Nicaraguan government may detain or expel individuals for activities that would not be considered criminal or offensive in the United States. Nicaraguan authorities have subjected U.S. citizens, including dual U.S.-Nicaraguan citizens, to prolonged detentions. The detentions are often politically motivated or arbitrary. Especially in politically motivated arrests, the judicial process has regularly been criticized as neither fair nor transparent.

Demonstrations or strikes may occur throughout the country; in the past, the Nicaraguan government has violently suppressed them. Avoid demonstrations, and exercise extreme caution around large gatherings.

Roads may be closed, and public transportation may be disrupted due to large crowds celebrating the following holidays:

  • Semana Santa (the week before Easter);
  • Repliegue Historico a Masaya (early July);
  • The week of July 19th celebrations of the Sandinista Revolution;
  • Celebration in Managua of Santo Domingo, the Patron Saint of the city (August 1st and August 10th);
  • Day of the Nicaraguan Army (September 2);
  • Nicaraguan Independence Day (September 14 and 15); and
  • Immaculate Conception (December 8). 

Crime: Vehicle burglaries, pick-pocketing, and occasional armed robberies occur in store parking lots, on public transportation, and in open-air markets like the Oriental and Huembes Markets in Managua. Petty street crime is common. Police presence is limited outside of major urban areas. The Caribbean coast’s geographical isolation further limits the U.S. Embassy’s ability to provide emergency services to U.S. citizens living in or visiting the area.

  • Uniformed police and para-police commit violence and intimidate civilians throughout the country for political reasons.
  • U.S. citizens have reported extortion for bribes. These occurred at immigration and police checkpoints.
  • U.S. citizens have been sexually assaulted in beach resort areas.
  • There are no forensic doctors on the Corn Islands, so victims of violent crimes, including sexual assault, must travel to Bluefields at their own expense for medical examinations and collection of evidence. In several recent cases, police were reluctant to produce police reports or pursue charges. Please report such incidents to the Embassy.
  • Medical services outside Managua are limited, including for victims of crime.
  • Exercise extreme caution when renting or driving vehicles. In one common scam, “Good Samaritans” pull over to help change a flat tire. While the driver is distracted, an accomplice steals the driver’s possessions.
  • Due to crime and other illicit activity, U.S. government personnel under Chief of Mission security responsibility are prohibited from entering Managua’s Oriental Market (Mercado Oriental). They are also prohibited from entering gentlemen’s clubs throughout the country.

International Financial Scams: See the Department of State and the FBI page for information.

Victims of Crime:  Report crimes, including sexual assault, to the local police at 118 (Nicaraguan equivalent of “911,” in Spanish). Report serious crimes to the U.S. Embassy at 2252-7100 immediately and minor crimes during business hours.

  • Local authorities are responsible for investigating and prosecuting crimes.

The U.S. Embassy can:

  • Help you find appropriate medical care.
  • Assist you in reporting a crime to the police.
  • Contact relatives or friends with your written consent.
  • Provide a list of local attorneys.
  • Share information on victim’s compensation programs in the United States.
  • Provide an emergency loan for repatriation to the United States and/or limited financial support in cases of destitution.
  • Help you find accommodation and flights home.
  • Replace a stolen or lost passport.

Domestic Violence: U.S. citizen victims of domestic violence are encouraged to contact the U.S. Embassy for assistance.

Coastal Disputes: Be aware of the following border disputes:

  • Nicaragua and Colombia have an ongoing dispute over waters surrounding the San Andres Islands.
  • The Nicaraguan Navy has challenged vessels passing through its exclusive economic zone.
  • Nicaragua and Costa Rica have stationed security forces at Harbor Head (also called Isla Calero) at the eastern end of the San Juan River.
  • Nicaragua, Honduras, and El Salvador have maritime and land disputes over islands and access to fishing rights in the Gulf of Fonseca on the Pacific Coast. 

Tourism: The tourism industry is unevenly regulated, and safety inspections for equipment and facilities are uncommon. Hazardous areas/activities are not always identified with appropriate signage, and staff may not be trained or certified. In the event of an injury, appropriate medical treatment is typically available only in major cities. In the event of a diving injury, the only hyperbaric chamber is in Puerto Cabezas, over 100 miles from Corn Island where most tourists dive. U.S. citizens are encouraged to purchase medical evacuation insurance. See our webpage for more information on insurance providers for overseas coverage.

Beach Safety: Exercise extreme caution at the beach. Strong undertows and currents make swimming in Nicaragua’s Pacific Coast extremely dangerous. This is true, even for experienced swimmers. U.S. citizens have drowned at Nicaraguan beaches, and in lagoons and lakes. Warning signs are not always posted. Lifeguards and rescue equipment are not normally available, and Nicaragua’s search and rescue capabilities are limited. Surfers and swimmers have been struck by boats at Nicaraguan beaches. This has resulted in serious injury and death. Carefully assess the potential risks of recreational water activities. Consider your physical capabilities and skills before swimming. Be aware that drinking alcohol and swimming can be a deadly combination.

Hiking in volcanic or remote areas is dangerous. Wear appropriate clothing and footwear. Carry sufficient food, water, and communication equipment. If you travel to remote areas, hire a reputable local guide. Nicaraguan law requires tourists to hire a local guide for most volcanic hikes. This includes the two volcanoes on Ometepe Island (Maderas and Concepcion).

Disaster Preparedness: Nicaragua is prone to earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, and volcanic eruptions. Plan for seeking emergency care, shelter, or evacuation routes. Many remote locations in the country lack good cell phone coverage.

  • If traveling during the rainy season (May – November), inclement weather can develop suddenly and last for days, creating flooding and landslides.  
  • If you are at a coastal area when an earthquake occurs, move swiftly to higher ground (when safe to do so) to avoid possible tsunamis.
  • In the event of an earthquake, volcanic eruption, or other natural disaster, U.S. citizens should pay close attention to local media reports. Follow the guidance of local authorities. Monitor the websites of the Nicaraguan Institute for Territorial Studies (INETER) and the Nicaraguan Emergency Alert System (SINAPRED) websites.
  • Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive important emergency information and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • See the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) website for information about disaster preparedness


Criminal Penalties: You are subject to local laws. If you violate Nicaraguan law, even unknowingly, you may be fined, expelled, arrested, or imprisoned. There are severe penalties, including imprisonment, for domestic violence, psychological abuse, and non-payment of child support. Furthermore, some crimes are also prosecutable in the United States, regardless of local law. For examples, see our website on crimes against minors abroad and the Department of Justice website.

Arrest Notification: Nicaraguan authorities do not always notify the U.S. Embassy when a U.S. citizen has been arrested or detained. This is especially true if the arrestee has dual nationality. If you are arrested or detained, ask both police and prison officials and friends and family to notify the U.S. Embassy. After the U.S. Embassy learns of an arrest, it may be several days or weeks before the Government of Nicaragua permits a consular official to visit. In the case of dual U.S.-Nicaraguan nationals, the U.S. Embassy may be denied consular access. See our webpage for further information.

  • Arrested U.S. citizens may find themselves subject to prolonged detention without charges, often for political reasons.
  • Nicaraguan authorities have ignored or significantly delayed implementing judicial orders to release, deport, expel, or transfer prisoners, due to political reasons.
  • Prison conditions can be harsh and life-threatening.
  • The Department has determined there is a risk of wrongful detention of U.S. nationals by the Government of Nicaragua.

Drug and Alcohol Enforcement: Penalties for possessing, using, or trafficking in illegal drugs in Nicaragua are severe. This includes charges for possession of small amounts of illegal drugs. Even with a prescription, marijuana is illegal in Nicaragua.

Purchasing Property: Be extremely cautious of investing in and/or buying property. Property rights and enforcement are notoriously unreliable in Nicaragua. The Nicaraguan Government has confiscated privately owned land or residences without warning. They do so without due process or compensation. Armed individuals have taken over privately-owned land. The Nicaraguan authorities may decline to evict those who illegally take possession of private property. U.S. citizens have been arrested or threatened over property disputes. See our website for more information.

Customs Regulations: U.S. citizens planning to import items should contract a recognized local customs broker for assistance well in advance of their visit. The U.S. Embassy is unable to assist with the customs or import process.

  • Photography equipment, videography equipment, and binoculars may be subject to seizure by the Nicaraguan customs authorities. Note: As of April 16, 2024, people seeking to monitor flora and fauna, including sample collection, scientific studies, or simple observation (such as birdwatching) must seek approval from the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (MARENA). Failure to do this could result in fines, criminal penalties, and arrest/deportation.  
  • Nicaraguan customs officials may delay or block import of goods, including items intended for donations.
  • U.S. citizens have reported being fined or required to pay unpublished and costly duties/taxes when importing goods.
  • If you are planning to bring vehicles or household goods, consult Nicaraguan customs officials (dga.gob.ni) prior to shipment.
  • When entering with your vehicle, you must have the original registration and title.
  • Approval from the Ministry of Health’s Pharmacy Department is required to import large quantities of medicine. This includes for charitable purposes.
  • Before excavating archaeological materials or buying historical artifacts, you must consult with the National Patrimony Directorate of the Nicaraguan Institute of Culture. Otherwise, severe criminal penalties may apply.

Faith-Based Travelers: See the following webpages for details:

LGB Travelers:  There are no legal restrictions on same-sex relations or the organization of LGB events in Nicaragua. While violence against LGB travelers is uncommon, widespread discrimination exists. See our LGB Travel Information page and the Department of State’s Human Rights report for further details.

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs):  The Government of Nicaragua has closed more than 5,300 NGOs, including religious and charitable organizations, since 2018. Employees and volunteers of NGOs and volunteers supporting NGOs may be denied entry to Nicaragua. Those in Nicaragua may be subject to investigation or expulsion. Nicaraguan Authorities have threatened U.S. citizens engaged in religious or charitable activities with arrest and opened questionable criminal investigations. Please see “Advanced Coordination Required for Volunteer Groups” above.

Political and Religious Activity:  Participating in unauthorized political or religious activities, including public protests, sending electronic messages, or publishing social media critical of the government may result in detention and expulsion. It may also result in restrictions on future travel to Nicaragua. The Nicaraguan government has canceled large-scale religious events on short notice and has threatened organizers of these events with arrest. This has happened even after having originally permitted the activity to take place.  

Social Media:  Social media accounts may be monitored by the Government of Nicaragua. Nicaraguan authorities may deny entry to, investigate, or expel people whose social media accounts contain content they deem critical of the government, controversial, or that might involve illegal activity.

Sending Mail and/or Money to/from Nicaragua:  You should expect that all your mail will be opened, reviewed, and catalogued by Nicaraguan authorities. Nicaraguan Customs authorities routinely intercept, review, and retain checks, money, and debit/credit cards shipped to Nicaragua through international couriers.

Travelers Who Require Accessibility Assistance: There is limited or no accessibility assistance for public transportation and in many public areas. There are few sidewalks and pedestrian road crossings. Nicaraguan law prohibits discrimination against persons with physical and mental disabilities. However, such discrimination is widespread in employment, education, access to health care, and the provision of state services.

Students: See our Students Abroad page.

Women Travelers: See our travel tips for Women Travelers.

Public and private hospitals in Nicaragua do not meet U.S. standards. Many hospitals are understaffed. Some hospitals may not be able to assist in emergencies. Only basic, limited emergency medical services are available outside Managua. Physicians and hospital personnel frequently do not speak English.  

Managua has a sole private hospital that is JCAHO  (Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations) certified, with labs and radiology services available, though it has a very limited number of specialists for acute emergencies. Medical services outside Managua are limited, including for victims of crime. Government hospitals are understaffed and some hospitals throughout the country may not be able to assist in emergencies. Private hospitals and physicians expect up-front payment. This can be done with cash or credit card.

Ambulance services are not widely available. Training and availability of emergency responders may be below U.S. standards. Ambulances are not equipped with state-of-the-art medical equipment. They provide transportation and basic first aid only.

The Department of State does not pay medical bills nor medical evacuation (air ambulance) costs. U.S. Medicare/Medicaid does not apply overseas.

Medical Insurance: Make sure your health insurance plan provides coverage overseas. Even with health insurance, most care providers overseas require cash payments prior to providing service. See our webpage for more information on insurance providers for overseas coverage. We strongly recommend supplemental insurance to cover medical evacuation. Medical evacuation costs to the United States from Nicaragua can be expensive. It starts at $15,000 and goes up to $100,000 or more. The cost depends on the destination and level of care required.   

If traveling with prescription medication, review the Nicaraguan Ministry of Health's Pharmacy Department web guidance page on entering with pharmaceuticals products. Always carry your prescription medication in original packaging labeled with your doctor’s prescribing information.

Tap water is not reliably potable. Drink only purified bottled water.

The following diseases are prevalent:

  • Mosquito-borne diseases (e.g., Zika, Dengue fever, and Chikungunya)
  • Upper respiratory viruses (e.g., Influenza, COVID-19, and Pneumonia)
  • Infectious bacterial diseases (e.g., Typhoid fever and Leptospirosis)
  • Intestinal illnesses (e.g., Giardiasis)
  • Rabies

Vaccinations: Be up to date on all vaccinations recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Further health information:

Road Conditions and Safety: Main roads between major cities are generally paved and in good condition. Other roads may have potholes, lack shoulders, be poorly lit and narrow. Speed bumps are often poorly marked. During the rainy season, roads may become flooded or have additional damage. Horse carts, livestock, and pedestrians crossing roads in front of oncoming traffic are common. This happens even on major roads in the main cities. Most roads on the Caribbean coast are unpaved. Road signs throughout the country are limited or non-existent. Road travel after dark is hazardous in all areas. Carry a cellphone in case of emergency. However, understand cell reception may be spotty in many areas of the country. Do not drive outside urban areas after dark.

Traffic Laws:  If you are involved in a traffic accident, you must wait for the police and insurance company representatives to arrive before you move your vehicle. However, especially during overnight hours, police and insurance companies may not respond. Do not move your vehicle until a police officer tells you to do so. Otherwise, you may be legally liable for the accident. If you receive a traffic violation, police may take your driver’s license until you pay the fine. Depending on your length of stay, you may not recover your license in a timely manner.

Nicaraguan law requires that police take a driver into custody for:

  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol (the legal limit in Nicaragua is 0.05% blood alcohol content); or
  • For being involved in an accident that causes serious injury or death. In fatal accidents, drivers are held until they reach a legal settlement with the victim’s family. The minimum detention period for fatal accidents is 48 hours.  

To avoid liability, consider hiring a professional driver through a reputable hotel.

All drivers must carry:

  • Driver’s license;
  • Proof of insurance;
  • Vehicle registration;
  • Emergency triangle;
  • Fire extinguisher; and
  • Inspection and registration stickers.  

These regulations also apply to drivers in rental vehicles. Penalties for not having any of the above include fines and towing. For more information, check with the Nicaraguan National Police or the Embassy of Nicaragua.

Traffic Stops: Transit police often stop vehicles with either local or foreign license plates.

If transit police demand a bribe instead lieu of a fine, request a receipt and the officer’s name and badge number.

To report mistreatment by police, email a complaint to Nicaragua’s National Police and forward a copy to the U.S. Consular Section in Managua.

If you receive a traffic violation, police may confiscate your driver’s license until you pay the fine. Depending on your length of stay, you may not recover your license in a timely manner.

Public Transportation: Buses, moto-taxis, and ferries often lack proper safety equipment.

  • U.S. government personnel are not permitted to use public buses and most taxis (including moto-taxis) due to safety and crime concerns.
  • Use only licensed taxis recommended by airport authorities, major hotels, restaurants, or other trusted sources.
  • Exercise caution in the face of possibly overloaded or unsafe ferries and boats. Check with local naval or police authorities about the safety of being on the water in local weather conditions. Most vessels provide insufficient numbers of life vests and other safety equipment.

Airports in remote places often have short airstrips, minimal safety equipment, and little boarding security.

See our Road Safety page for more information and the Nicaraguan Institute of Tourism and National Transit Authority.

Aviation Safety Oversight:  The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) assessed the government of Nicaragua’s Civil Aviation Authority as compliant with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) aviation safety standards for oversight of Nicaragua’s air carrier operations in 2015. Further information may be found on the FAA’s safety assessment page.

Maritime Travel:  Mariners planning travel to Nicaragua should check for U.S. maritime advisories and alerts on the Maritime Administration website. Information may also be posted to the websites of the U.S. Coast Guard and the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency.

For additional travel information

International Parental Child Abduction

Review information about International Parental Child Abduction in Nicaragua. For additional IPCA-related information, please see the International Child Abduction Prevention and Return Act (ICAPRA) report.

Last Updated: December 13, 2024

Travel Advisory Levels

Assistance for U.S. Citizens

U.S. Embassy Managua
Km 5 ½ Carretera Sur
Managua, Nicaragua
+(505) 2252-7100
+(505) 2252-7100
+(505) 2252-7250

Nicaragua Map